Sunday, January 30, 2011

Seth Cohen & Snow Storms

With my hubs being gone five out of the seven days of the week, I find myself with a lot of free time.

Lately I have been filling this time by spending hours reading my favorite blogs, discovering new ones and watching old tv favorites online (oh, Seth Cohen, how I miss The O.C.) Being that this is sorta how my life is going to be for quite some time...aka 40 years unless we decide to make the move to his base (more on that later) I have decided I have to find a hobby.

I came across a post on The Pilot Wives Club that had advice on being alone without being lonely. It said:

1. The gym is your friend (oops, we just cancelled our membership)
2. Read (do blogs count?)
3. Get plugged in at church (we love our church!)
4. Shop (Being that I spend the most time on our budget, I'm not sure I could allow myself to do this!)
5. Train for a 5k (I don't love to run, but have been thinking about trying it out once the weather gets nicer)
6. Volunteer (Could probably do more of this)
7. Find a hobby (Decorating is my hobby, I just need to find a new project. Maybe curtains?)

Some good tips for sure. I think running or some form of exercise is the #1 way I should start filling my extra time, but it's so dang cold. I guess Jillian Michaels and I better become bff again for now.

P.S. The news is predicting up to 10 inches of snow this week with temperatures below freezing until Friday (today is SUNDAY, peeps.) Say whaaa? The most snow I have ever seen was in Washington state a little over two years ago. It was a beautiful trip, but my kitchen is not near stocked enough for a giant snow storm here in good ol O-K-L-A-H-O-M-A.

Say a little prayer it's not as bad as Mr. Weatherman says (unless by some miracle the hubs gets to be here with me.) xoxo!

By Brit with 3 lovely notes

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Things I love: Decorating

A friend on facebook shared this link the other day, and it was exactly what I needed to hear,

I love to decorate. I mean l.o.v.e. it. I sometimes spend hours just perusing the internet looking for inspiration, and I have files upon files of photo inspiration. But at the same time, I find myself in this I spend the money (and time) to decorate a place when we don't own it? (We rent a cute lil house I love, but know we won't be here forever.)

Well, this post from Nesting Place was exactly what I needed. My house is my home whether I own it or not. I have to love it, regardless.

And someday, I will live somewhere as charming as this

this sweet cottage belongs to photographer Stacey Haines
(click the photo for more photos via House of Turquoise)

or this

this whimisical victorian cottage was featured by The New York Times and belongs to Sandra Foster (click the photo for more photos via The New York Times)


By Brit with 1 lovely note

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Snow Day!

Today was a snow day, but since Kyle and I were both off work anyway, it just meant we had to stay inside all day instead of venturing to the dog park or finding something else outside (so ready for some heat and sun!) 

We managed to watch three great movies (Catfish, Due Date and Social Network), eat an entire box of Nerds (ok, that was all me), an almost a full box of Runtz and finally pick up our marriage license. That thing had been sitting all by it's lonesome at the courthouse since it got returned in the mail a year and a half ago. We were apparently in no real hurry to pick up that sucker, but it's nice to finally cross that off my mental to-do list.

Yep, it's true, we really are married ----->

By Brit with 1 lovely note

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Delish Pear Bread

Photo from Smitten Kitchen. My bread was delicious but not this pretty.

In search of a way to use up the Harry and David pears that have been sitting in our fridge for a while, I turned to my good friend Google last night, and once again he (she? Does Google have a gender?) came through for me. Smitten Kitchen had a pear bread recipe using ingredients I actually had in my pantry! It was the perfect little thing to do while I waited for Kyle to get back into town.

I must say, it is delicious, and I am pretty sure you could use just about any fruit in place of the pears that you want to.

So, in case you have some fruit burning a hole in your refrigerator, head on over to Smitten Kitchen for the recipe here.

By Brit with 3 lovely notes

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Motor Mouth

Do you remember this show on VH1 back in the day...Motormouth? Friends, Family, Significant others, etc. would set up their brother, sister, daughter, boyfriend in the car with a hidden camera while they belted out tunes out of key. Here's a clip to refresh your memory...

Was anyone completely terrified they might get set up on the show? (My hand is fully raised in the air.)

I have always been a car singer. Whatever the song, I sing. Despite the fact that I didn't get my sister's amazing singing abilities, I love to sing a tune. Tonight I was driving home jamming out to a little Taylor Swift, and got that thought of "oh no, are the people in the car next to me laughing at the fact I'm just singing away like there's no tomorrow?" (If we are all being honest...I'm sure you've had that thought before too.)

But then it occurred to me...who freaking cares?

And then I sang the rest of the way home.

By Brit with 1 lovely note

Monday, January 17, 2011


I am not a teacher by profession, but I find this video completely inspiring. My sister is really close to beginning her teaching career, and this is such a great insight into the hearts of teachers who really feel a calling on their life for what they do. I know my little sis feels that way.

It really should be that way for all of us, don't you think? We should be so deeply passionate about what we are doing that we hope and pray we have made a difference to someone...somewhere just by being there.

Take 5 minutes to watch this. I promise it's worth it.


By Brit with 1 lovely note

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Lovely & Not

The not so lovely:
Thinking this was my Sunday to help with the kiddos at church, getting completely ready, and then realizing it is not my Sunday and I could have slept about two hours longer. wah. wah.

The lovely:
I had time to eat breakfast, clean up the house and cuddle with my sweet Nellie.

As a side note...I'm really missing springtime and am oh so ready to go play in the park in the sunshine.

By Brit with 1 lovely note

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Well, Hello

I'm Brit.

I love family, life, faith, summer, reality TV, macaroni and cheese, interior design and, most of allmy sweetheart, Kyle.

While he is off flying these
photo credit: APG Photo,

I'm selling people adorable invitations at a local stationery store. I love my job. Almost as much as I love this guy...

(but not quite.)

We also have a sweet cocker spaniel named Nellie.

Isn't she cute?

this is my lovely life...xoxo!

By Brit with 3 lovely notes