Happy Spring! I have made a little bit of progress over at my little house!
1. I rearranged the furniture. I like it so so so much better. Please ignore the patches on the wall, and the lack of wall art. I'm in the process of finding paint to match what's already there, and the big wall on the right is where the stripes and photos collage are going. Can't wait for it to be done!
2. I hung curtains! It's amazing how much of a difference it makes! I wasn't planning on shears at all, but I love how airy they keep everything, and let the sun shine in. Plus, did you know how inexpensive those puppies are?! I have to admit, the price won me over, but I love them!
3. I have been wanting a garden stool since I first laid eyes on one. A couple weekends ago, my mom and I were wandering the aisles of Ross, and there it was! A pretty white one for....drum roll please... $29.99! Wow! I had to have it.
4. I got a patio set! Finally! There are several things the Mr. and I really want to make our little house more of a home. Aside from rugs and a few other touches, outdoor furniture was really high on the list. We have been talking about it since last June, but just hadn't found anything for a good price we liked. Well, today I was spending part of my day off at Marshall's (I love their home stuff) and they had a pretty set for only $139! It was perfect.
Mr. H comes home tonight from a trip, and I can't wait to show him this little surprise. I even have these cooling to enjoy on the patio...it's a gorgeous night!
Hope spring is treating you wonderfully. I am sorta in love with this time of year.