Wednesday, March 23, 2011


I love to decorate. I know I've said it once, twice, 578,893,798 times. But I do. It's my hobby. My passion (beyond my marriage, my family and my cocker spaniel.) I am constantly thinking of new decor ideas, saving inspiration photos and dreaming of what i will do...some day.

See, we rent. This cute little house we live in is not really ours and since I know it's not forever, I am constantly preventing myself from really doing what I want. (Even though I know we will be here a couple more years.)

But it has occurred to me...why exactly am I constantly dreaming and never doing? Our house is just a house until I make it a home. The time has come. I'm tired of wishing. It's time to do.

I have been trying to pinpoint my decor style. What is it that I love?

Well, I bought an e-book written by Layla over at The Lettered Cottage, and it has really helped me hone in on my decor style. She has you make a list of things you love whether it's pizza and movies or green grass and sunshine, and then shows you how you can pull that into your home. 

Between my list and going through my decor inspiration, I've decided my style is beachy cottage. White. Blue. Bright. Clean. Which, oddly, isn't much of anything I currently have going on...but that makes it a little more fun, right? Fun slash more expensive. Ha!

So, I have given myself three "to do's" to get this show on the road.

1. Move my entry console table to a big blank wall in my living room and surround it with a photo collage, like the one John and Sherry at Young House Love posted earlier this week. I love pictures, so what a perfect way to bring more in! Oh, and I'd love to paint stripes on that wall, like these over at The Lettered Cottage.

2. With the entry table gone, I need a new entry way! I just love the look of this! And it's not only cute, but functional!

3. Rearrange my living room furniture, and move the TV to a table on a different wall. Mr. H. - if you are reading this...I'm gonna need your help with the whole moving the TV thing :)

And as a bonus # 4...I need window treatments. We've lived here almost a year, and the windows are still bare! I want something with shades and some flowing white curtains.

Not sure how long these things will take me, but I'm up for the challenge (and searching for the patience.) I've already talked my man into taking me to the flea market soon. Isn't he the best?


By Brit with 1 lovely note

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

I'm baaaack

Wow, did I drop off the face of the blogging planet, or what?

Here's what I've bee up to:

1. In an effort to fill my free time (not that I have tons of it anymore) I have been spending 40 minutes a day with Shaun T. No, he's not my neighbor or friend or therapist...he's the inventor of a seriously tormenting workout program. See...
I can testify that Insanity lives up to the name. And despite the fact I can't see huge changes yet, Mr. H seems to think he does, so that's good enough for me!

2. My sisters, mom and I had a fun "at home" spa night last night. My mom did facials, Katie massages, Liz painted nails and I did pedicures, complete with the foot bath we got as a wedding gift! It was really fun to spend time with the girls. I would post a picture, but they are all a little silly/embarrassing. Lolz.

3. I've been working. A lot. And I l.o.v.e. it. I couldn't imagine a more perfect job for me. Plus it helps the days just fly by while Mr. H is flying around the U.S.

4. I turn the big two-five in about a week and a half. Eek! How did I get here? I'm excited for 25...I think it's going to be a great year. My Mr. is planning some sort of birthday dinner. I don't know what he has up his sleeve, but I must say I'm pretty excited! I love love love fun dinners with him. I'm just praying for sunshine and weather in the 80's for my day :)


By Brit with 1 lovely note